Eke Panuku is working on its Central Wharves Masterplan, which covers the first stage of council’s waterfront redevelopment plan, focusing on the highlighted wharves.

Resolving clashes between cruise ships and ferries and improving accessibility are two key goals in the first stage of Auckland Council’s plans to redevelop the downtown waterfront.

The waterfront redevelopment, including the Downtown Ferry Terminal, has been on the cards as a future project since the council’s Auckland Waterfront Vision 2040 plan was formulated in 2005. Last year, at Mayor Wayne Brown’s request and in line with the council’s most recent long-term plan, council owned development agency Eke Panuku began work on redevelopment plans in earnest. After final public consultations earlier this year, Eke Panuku received approval for concept design and finalising a Port Framework Plan – with stage one being the Central Wharves Masterplan. The council has allocated $6 million for this work.

• Paul Mitchell

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