Gulf News: Why we do what we do
Since 1973, Gulf News – and latterly the Waiheke Weekender – have provided a steady and constant gaze upon the comings and goings around these shifting sands of our island. In short, we are because you are.
That relationship is built on the two publications providing a setting where our reporters, our contributors, our advertisers and our readers can communicate in a safe, trusted and effective environment.
That trust isn’t taken for granted. That trust comes from being Waiheke residents, from showing passion and determination to report on the issues that strike at the heart of the island and from being at the events that make Waiheke what it is.
We are trusted because we are at the board meetings and public gatherings, we are there celebrating at the concerts, festivals, market days and sports events, and we are there to listen when Waiheke residents want to have their say.
Waiheke has always and will always be packed to its coastlines with stories and we want Gulf News and the Waiheke Weekender to be the first places its inhabitants turn to for bold, candid, entertaining and truthful reporting. And for us, our readers and our advertisers to thrive in the future, we believe that trust has to be front and centre in all we do.