Ears pricked and there was a certain amount of equine amusement as Waiheke Pony Club riders dressed, disguised and devised spectacular costumes for the annual fancy dress and games day event last Sunday.
Four-year-old Holden Cole aboard pirate pony Rosie was first overall in the junior ring, while Vita Spurdle’s Shrek-inspired costume – complete with sidekick Donkey – was judge Gail Prentice’s favourite in the senior ring. Hunter Cole aboard his skeleton horse Chats and Grace Twentyman and her valiant charger Fox also took home red ribbons. Cowgirl Sienna Olsen and her pony Licorice were crowd favourites.
After a quick break to recoup after the early start, riders headed back down to the arena for an afternoon of fun games and races, from sack races to jousting to barrel racing.
Rider of the Day was Grace Twentyman. •