Homegrown comedic soap opera, Rocky Baywatch, was due to start a season of shows at Artworks theatre this week. Undeterred by the derailing effects of the current global pandemic, Waiheke Comedy has set a new start date for the season of 22 September with the hope that the limit on people gathering will be lifted by then.
“It might be an uncertain time, but we’re hoping we can bring some laughter and light-heartedness to the island amidst it,” says cast member Haley Jay.
“People need a way to relax and get away from the seriousness of life and that’s exactly what we want to provide. As the saying goes, laughter is the best medicine.”
Haley says the new dates have impacted some cast members, but no one will be left out.
“With the show now beginning on what would have been our final episode, it’s created some conflict with members’ prior commitments but nothing huge.
“We’re keen to work around the occasional absences. We’re a team of improvisers so we’re used to having to deal with things we weren’t expecting.”
Fellow cast member Lisa Garrity says absences will be dealt with creatively.
“The beauty of a soap opera means we can kill off people or they can go on holiday, or be in a coma in hospital,” Lisa says.
Waiheke Comedy is offering season passes to the five-episode run of the soap opera. Lisa says more than 150 tickets have already been sold, many of which are season passes.
• Erin Johnson
Full story in this week’s Gulf News… Out Now!!!