Hundreds of parents and children filled Waiheke Primary School Hall on Tuesday to watch talent that warmed a mid-winter night.
One of the youngest contestants was five-year-old Sadie Stephenson (right), whose song “Do Your Ears Hang Low” charmed the audience.
The senior winners were singer Piper Flashman, who tied with dancers Cole Jackson and Kingi Aupouri.
The second prize for seniors went to song and dance duo Tiffen Tong Teboul and Amba
Edwardes, and dancer Lara Link won third prize.
The junior winner was magician Lucy Stephenson, while Caleb and Ruby Wilson came second and Tiana Gray and Anahera Petera were third in the juniors.
The talent show was organised by year eight students Maia Tahapehi, Ruby Ross-Hayes and Talia Wilson as part of fundraising for a camp
to Wellington later this year. • Rose Davis