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Tag: Jenny Nicolls Editorial

Dr Albert and the national health crisis

In my copy of a yellowed newspaper clipping sits a bespectacled fellow engulfed in a tweed jacket much too big for him, under the...

AI: the spider crawling over your brain

I’m not a photographer, but I’ve always loved photography. Especially news photography. When I worked for a glossy current affairs magazine, I spent much...

The enemy of truth

A British woman has been arrested, for a single tweet. If you think that sounds unfair, here is the context – and the timing is...

Reading the fine print

Sometimes, just after you’ve done something astronomically stupid, there comes a brief pang of understanding – too late to prevent disaster. An American Professor...

The science of reality

The setting was a restaurant in deepest Grey Lynn on a busy Sunday. A grey midwinter sun oozed over a group at a long...

The science of reality

The setting was a restaurant in deepest Grey Lynn on a busy Sunday. A grey midwinter sun oozed over a group at a long...

Lost for words

What a weekend. A mercenary army shoots down helicopters belonging to their own ministry of defence, capturing a central command post in the middle...

The disquiet Earth

Even though I live nearby, it took me a while to notice what was missing.  In summer, a path curled between the Te Huruhi urupā...

The coming tide of AI-generated twaddle

Is it possible for an object to be racist? In 2017, a senior Nigerian-born Facebook employee found himself in a bathroom filled with apparently...

Mushrooms, grassroots, tall poppies

“What the hell is that?” asked my partner Greg. There was an alien in my geranium pot – an odd looking mushroom, determined and...