Tag: Dolphins
Flipping heck: Pod party at Oneroa
Lockdown Waiheke may be shut to day-trippers, but a warm welcome was extended to a pod of playful dolphins when they made a whistle-stop...
Moved to action by Flipper’s fate
They call him Flipper, Flipper, faster than lightning,
No-one you see, is smarter than he,
And we know Flipper, lives in a world full of wonder,
Whale watchers unite for nationwide census
The first nationwide whale and dolphin census on 20 June was deemed a success by organisers. Winter is an excellent time to spot migrating...
Nature puts on a lockdown show
The confected coronavirus story about dolphins frolicking in Venice canals may have been debunked as fake news, but beachgoers on Waiheke were treated to...
Season’s eatings from Huruhi’s dolphins
A pod of around 20 dolphins delighted onlookers at Huruhi Bay for hours last Sunday.
“There were paddle-boarders right in amongst it but then the...
Dolphins delight with spring splash and dash
The week ended with some early spring sunshine and a visit to Oneroa Bay by a pod of about eight dolphins on Friday afternoon.
Dolphins come calling
Dolphins claimed Kennedy Point as their realm last Thursday, coming within centimetres of the beach near the car ferry.
A pod of about six bottlenose...