Tomi Ropata sharing his knowledge with Waiheke’s tamariki. Photos Emma Hughes

Creativity sparkled this Matariki, with several art-based happenings around the motu. Over the last couple of weeks, groups of Waiheke school children have been welcomed at Piritahi Marae, where they have had a great time learning about the stars and working with the natural world.

Three creative stations were set up for the tamariki to engage with. The first was held in the wharenui and run by tohunga whakairo/master carver Tomi Ropata, who regaled the children with Māori creation stories and shared his knowledge of cosmology. The second station was hosted by Ella Taka-Smith from Timmy Smith Teas (and Jewellery), where the tamariki learned about tea and herb blending before concocting their own unique blends.

• Emma Hughes

Full story in this week’s Gulf News… Out Now!!!

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