After another successful Waiheke High School Ball, head boy Ethan Douglas and head girl Molly Davidson describe how the ingredients came together for a memorable night.
Ethan Douglas
The Ball 2020 was, by far, the best ball that I had ever been part of. The entrance was fairytale-esque and made for an amazing transition from reality into the dreamlike atmosphere of the ball, with hanging fairy lights and a custom-made wooden frame courtesy of the decorations committee.
Walking into Wild On Waiheke, it was fantastic to see how much freedom we had to redecorate and lay out the venue, and I thank the staff and owners of Wild On Waiheke for that. (Full story in this week’s Gulf news)
Molly Davidson
“A night to remember” is a perfect summarisation of what the ball was this year. Fitting, as it was also the theme of the night as decided by our ball committee.
The ball this year proved to exceed all of my expectations, both in the catering by Wild on Waiheke and the incredible effort of those who attended to wear their absolute best.
(Full story in this week’s Gulf news)