Tag: James Belfield Editorial
A sense of perspective
They were there about to board the bus at the top of Goodwin Ave – masked and be-suitcased, travel cards at the ready. Round...
Electric trucks and deadly waste
Early Wednesday morning, an Isuzu NQR rolled off the ferry at Kennedy Point – a rather prosaic moment for what’s quite a pioneering achievement for...
Compound interest
I’ve got a lot of time for John Campbell.
He might take an extraoooordinary time to produce some of his remaaaarkable questions in that rich,...
A dose of healthy competition
The America’s Cup has suddenly sailed over the horizon.
This past week has seen a notable rise in coverage, from Team New Zealand vogue-ing for...
The butterfly effect
orce of nature.
Full disclosure, she was once upon a time my landlady – but more importantly for this story, she’s the reason why you...
The law of averages
It’s not easy being told you’re average – but there it is in black and white.
46.7. That’s me.
Smack bang in the middle of page...
Shifting ground
The tanker driver’s withering smirk didn’t require a response.
Regular readers may recall his last water delivery coincided with the heavy downpours which broke summer’s...
Four symptoms of pandemic survival syndrome
Today, Thursday 2 July, marks six months since the World Health Organisation first alerted its Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network partners about a...
Staying level-headed
Outside ASB, Morgs beams and glows his way through a story about his shiny new daughter. She’s feeding well and sleeping well; he couldn’t...
Storm forecast
“Looks like you pushed the rain button,” my neighbour gleefully teased as the tanker rolled up.
Our first water delivery in more than a decade...