Tag: Bus route
Waiheke haunted again by 501 Ghost Bus
Bus delays and cancellations fuelled by drivers being off sick with covid are adding to frustrations with Auckland Transport’s (AT) bus services on Waiheke.
Hana takes fight to AT board
Hana Blackmore is taking her battle over Waiheke’s revamped bus services to the Auckland Transport board.
Hana sent a request to Auckland Transport for permission...
Stalemate with AT over axed bus route protests
There is no solution yet for disgruntled Ostend bus users, despite a meeting between the new Waiheke Local Board and Auckland Transport staff last...
Learn about the new bus network
In the lead up to the launch of Waiheke’s new bus network, a series of public information sessions to get face-to-face information from Auckland...
Direct ferry connections and new directions in bus network review
A new Kennedy Point service, more direct routes to and from Matiatia and higher frequencies are features of a planned new public bus network...