Waiheke Fishing and Recreation Club’s 24-hour Snapper Classic 2017 will be remembered long after the fish have been enjoyed.

A record set in the contest’s second year, for the biggest snapper, was finally beaten six years on.

And what’s more, it was claimed by the son of the fisher who made the record catch back in 2011.

Leon Tong landed the 8.34 kilogram whopper while out with father Dave, topping his old mark by 200 grams.

Matty Greacen took second with a 6.84kg specimen while Kasey Coughlan was third with 5.72kg – two kilograms bigger than the fish that won him the contest last year.

Entries for last weekend’s event were also up on previous years with 54 competitors – despite a cold southerly and overcast conditions on Saturday morning. But the weather improved and Sunday was sunny and sheltered on the northern side of the island. In total, 52 snapper were landed, club spokeswoman Jess McMiken said. Entrants were allowed to weigh-in three fish.

There was a good crowd and a great range of prizes at the weigh-in, thanks to the club’s generous sponsors, says Jess, who earned the club’s ‘toilet seat’ award for dobbing in fishing buddy Dave Whiting after boat battery problems.

Junior contestant Ryder Marshall won a prize for being the youngest competitor and the Lucky Ticket.

Carl Di Mattina won the average weight prize and club president Paul Delautour took the mystery prize.

The tackle box raffle was won by Nat Gamble. • Geoff Cumming

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