In blustery rain but with flags and placards on display, about 50 people marched to protest against the planned Kennedy Point marina development on Sunday afternoon.
The hikoi, organised by friends Kathryn Ngapo and Huhana Davis of the Save Kennedy Point group, began at Piritahi Marae before the group walked around the Blackpool waterfront, through Surfdale and Hooks Lane, to Kennedy Point.
“There are a number of concerns for Maori people with the development being at Kennedy Point.” says Katherine. “That is to do with the history of the bay, it’s home to the great pa, Te Putiki o Kahu, but there are also a number of archaeological sites, around the whole bay and including Kennedy Point.”
She said the protest was a success and showed that the people of Waiheke are against the development. “People were tenacious, so many came out even though the weather was diabolical.”
“I was really pleased with the walk and the mood of everyone this weekend,” she says, “I hear that people were cold and tired by the time they got home, but it shows how much this matters to people.”
The Kennedy Point marina development proposes a 200-berth marina on Kennedy Point’s south west coast. It includes two new artificial breakwaters and a floating car park structure. • Richard Jones