A car went up in a spectacular blaze on Blake Street on Sunday night. The Waiheke Volunteer Fire Brigade was called in at 10.20pm after multiple members of the public reported the flames engulfing the car. Station Officer Cody Philcox says firefighters managed to get the fire under control fairly quickly and it was out less than an hour after they arrived.
However, the car was severely damaged with the back end of the vehicle getting the worst of it. Station Officer Philcox says the cause of the fire wasn’t immediately clear. “Reportedly there were fireworks along the beach earlier in the night but we don’t know if that was connected [to this].”
Waiheke Police Sergeant Raymond Matthews says police are investigating the car fire and at this point cannot rule out foul play. “It’s always challenging [with car fires]. The forensic evidence is damaged by the fire, then the firefighters come along and dump a whole lot of water on it.” Fortunately, there are CCTV cameras covering the area and police are able to review the footage for clues, Sergeant Matthews says. Police are asking that if anyone witnessed or knows anything about the fire to get in touch with the Waiheke station.
• Paul Mitchell
Full story in this week’s Gulf News… out Now!!!