The police launch Deodar brought Auckland police to Kennedy Point on Saturday and told Protect Pūtiki members to move on from their camp on the side of the carpark.
Group member Dani Shenanigan says it was a scary time with police coming to the door of her van to speak to her.
She says a Māori liaison officer told them Auckland police were coming and under Covid health legislation they could be arrested at any time without warning.
“We were very strict and very clear with each other that it was important for us to follow to the law. They haven’t told us exactly where we’ve broken the law,” Shenanigan says.
The group has made a formal police complaint due to the way they were moved on, she says.
“We had a bach that was for us to shower in, that was solely for us but it wasn’t big enough for all of us to stay in.”
She says three of the group are now staying in a bach leant by a member of the community, while another member joined a bubble with friends. She says police have been parking outside the bach.
Since leaving the camp, Dani says she has been trying to relax after the “harrowing day” and fielding calls from media.
Although the group could not stay at the camp to watch it dismantled, she says they have been told that the tents, which were provided by friends, are in storage with Waiheke police. • Erin Johnson
Full story in this week’s Gulf News… Out Now!!!