It’s that time of year again – time to don your best 1970s red dress and get ready to wuther for Waiheke’s Most Wuthering Heights Day, Saturday 30 July from 3.00-6.00pm at the Awaawaroa Bay Eco Village community building.
The Most Wuthering Heights Day Ever is an international initiative which began at the Brighton Festival in 2013 with the performance group Shambush’s Ultimate Kate Bush Experience igniting an annual tradition of groups all over the world assembling in July to dance to Kate Bush’s 1978 hit Wuthering Heights dressed as Kate Bush. This Saturday will be Waiheke’s second year of wuthering.
Kate Bush’s popularity has been on the rise with the inclusion of the song Running Up that Hill in the Netflix series Stranger Things. This year a bit of hill running will be included in the Waiheke Wuther in order to raise funds for Te Arai Roa Manaaki (formerly Waiheke’s Living without Violence group).
This year the day falls on Kate Bush’s 64th birthday and celebrations will include a “cakes for Kate” afternoon tea, a Kate Bush top hits playlist/dance set as well as the usual wuther. So dress up, bake a cake and go along to wuther in all kinds of weather.
Attendance is by koha and people are encouraged to register at for address details. •