Ecologists checking on kororā, little blue penguins, at the Kennedy Point breakwater on Friday 24 September found a new chick – thought to be less than a week old at the time.
The ecologists were surveying kororā activity on the breakwater as part of marina developer Kennedy Point Boatharbour Limited’s kororā monitoring programme and they found that a previously identified burrow contained a bird and a new chick. Both looked healthy and were not disturbed or touched by the ecologists, the company says.
KPBL’s consultant ecologist Dr Leigh Bull from Boffa Miskell says the recent survey confirms that kororā continue to use the breakwater and they are breeding successfully.
“Previous studies of hatching rates of kororā eggs in Auckland have shown high levels of variability, ranging from 37 to 93 percent, so this is a fantastic result,” Bull says.
“We will be keeping a very watchful eye on the area and would urge visitors to avoid walking directly on the rocks for the time being and also not to allow their dogs off lead at any time when visiting Kennedy Point.”
KPBH director Kitt Littlejohn says the company is delighted with the new arrival.
“It confirms that kororā are hardy little birds and able to breed despite close human activity, as has taken place over the past few months at Kennedy Point,” Littlejohn says.
“It also demonstrates that the construction management measures we have employed have been effective, allowing the project to progress without disturbing the local breakwater residents. •Erin Johnson
Full story in this week’s Gulf News… Out Now!!!