Oneroa Medical Centre staff had administered 4493 shots of the Pfizer vaccine with zero adverse reactions and not a single wasted dose as of Monday 12 July.
Nurse lead Jayme Kitiona says a very small number of people have come over from the city to get vaccinated on the island. She says these people are typically patients at island clinics or have some other close association with Waiheke.
Thursday 15 July was the 46th day since the medical centre began its vaccination programme. Jayme says most people deemed high-risk or over 65 years of age have now been fully vaccinated.
“The uptake has been really great – better than we anticipated. Initially, when we opened, the vaccine had to be used within five days, and later health authorities extended that to 30 days.”
Health workers vaccinate 112 people per day at the Waiheke site, and if there are any doses left in the afternoon, the centre will call residents from a waiting list to come in to ensure no vaccines go to waste. Drop-ins in the late afternoon at around 2pm or 3pm may also be able to get their vaccination on the spot, depending on how the day has gone.
• Sophie Boladeras
Full story in this week’s Gulf;f News…. Out Now!!!