A nearly decade-long dispute between Waiheke vineyard Cable Bay, its neighbours and the Auckland Council has finally been put to bed in the High Court. Last year the Environment Court ordered Cable Bay and the Auckland City Council to pay nearly half a million dollars in court costs to a group of the vineyard’s neighbours, who were third parties in a long-running consents dispute. The council and Cable Bay appealed the decision but the High Court found no grounds to overturn it.
Environment Court Judge Laurie Newhook ruled Cable Bay will have to pay $412,770, while the council is on the hook for $82,554. It is rare for costs to be awarded against councils and other decision-making public bodies in such cases but Judge Newhook found the council’s neglect of its duties under the Resource Management Act was a significant factor leading to the lengthy and expensive litigation. • Paul Mitchell
Full story in this week’s Gulf News… Out Now!!!