Cutting corners – local businesses may be affected by AT’s kerbside plan


    Auckland Transport is considering repurposing approximately three percent of the city’s on road parking areas, and the public has until 15 May to have their say on the affected areas.

    The Draft Parking Strategy (DPS) covers all publicly (Auckland Council) owned off-street parking, with the majority managed by Auckland Transport (AT).

    Current policy is geared toward lowering carbon emissions across the AT network and achieving a goal of more sustainable transport options. In light of this, AT is planning to remove car parking from several Auckland streets and replace them with bike lanes and priority passage for public transport. Consideration is expected to be given to electric bikes and scooters and towards spaces safe for increased pedestrian corridors. 

    In 2018, Mātiatia lost around 25 car spaces as part of Auckland council re-zoning. On examination of the DPS, as it relates to Waiheke, an interactive map on AT’s website highlights arterial roads in the firing line for kerbside removal stretching from Mātiatia to Onetangi. • Jim Birchall

    Full story in this week’s Gulf News… Out Now!!!

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