A plan for a new helipad at 345 Gordons Road has met with predictable opposition. Lobby group Quiet Sky Waiheke wrote to Auckland Council’s head of planning last week urging council to deny the application for a helipad at the multi-million dollar property.
New helipad applications fly in the face of the group’s July request for a moratorium on all helipad consents until council and the Civil Aviation Authority have evaluated regulations.
The group wants to see more comprehensive consent conditions and believes additional conditions should be imposed on existing helipads to reduce noise and increase safety for residents.
Quiet Sky Waiheke member Michael Sweeney says consultation with the Civil Aviation Authority should precede any approval of helipads on Waiheke.
“The Civil Aviation Authority has criticised the helipad consenting practices of Auckland Council because cumulative safety dangers have been ignored. Waiheke Island is uncontrolled airspace, dependent on pilots’ visual observations to prevent collisions during peak activity periods. With each additional helipad, the danger increases.”
Also in the request that council deny the Gordons Road helipad application, lodged by Isle Land Planning for London-based applicant Michelle Bartlett, Quiet Sky Waiheke said helipads were a non-complying land use under the Hauraki Gulf Island District Plan. The group included a memorandum from Waiheke planner Nicole Bremner of Planorama, delving into the statutory framework regarding helicopter flights and landing pads in the context of Waiheke Island. • Sophie Boladeras
Full story in this week’s Gulf News… Out Now!!!